This is a shared reading and creative writing space for the community which I have been lovingly offering in in collaboration with Salford Community Libraries since 2013.
The stories that we read invite us to consider a variety of themes and issues in relation to our place in the world as individuals, as well as how we relate to others around us, how our community works within society; our intercultural and culturally diverse experiences and the historical time in which we live.
During the 2020 lockdown our Reading Group became a community hub, offering a safe and supportive space, particularly to those members of the community who were isolated or shielding due to their health concerns or age.
The group currently meets every two weeks on Monday mornings 10.30am a 12.00pm via Zoom. We look forward to being able to meet in person at Worsley Village Library as soon as it is safe to do so.
Fee is £9 per meeting payable to Salford Libraries. Books can normally be borrowed from the Library and during Lockdown I will provide the texts (in pdf format) by email.
To book your place, please contact Chris Farey: