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Experiencing the reverberation of words within you as you read can bring about feelings of relief, wellbeing, pleasure, calm, comfort, ecstasy, even a sense of falling in love. «Bibliotherapy» is the conscious encounter with a literary text which opens itself up to transformative conversations that support you as you become the author of your own story.


My name is Mariana Casale. I was born in Buenos Aires in 1969 and currently live in Manchester, in the UK. A former languages lecturer, I now work as a Bibliotherapist and literary facilitator, trainer and independent researcher. I specialize in Narrative Bibliotherapy, Latin American, English and Comparative Literature and experimental fiction.
After graduating in English from INES Lenguas Vivas J. R. Fernández in Buenos Aires, I went on to obtain an MA in Literature, Culture and Modernity from Queen Mary, University of London. In 2010 I obtained my PhD in Latin American Cultural Studies from the University of Manchester with a thesis about Borges: The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon (published by MHRA in 2014). I trained in Narrative Practices at the Institute of Narrative Therapy in London, from which I continue to receive professional supervision.

Find your own story in the stories that you read: I offer you the best of my literary expertise and a Narrative therapeutic approach to generate transformative conversations around literary texts. Join me as together we build spaces for meaning-making in which you become the author of your own story.

Reading Groups

Regular mindful and reflective shared reading group sessions available in English and in Spanish (click here for Latin American Literature and other sessions in Spanish). Community Libraries Reading Groups. Teachers’ Bibliotherapy Hour. Private groups.


Narrative Bibliotherapy. Creativity Support. Professional Mentorship and Support. Bibliotherapy training and Support.
