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Reading Groups

Literary workshops start from your own spontaneous and unique experience of a text. Thereupon reflective conversations emerge around threads which can be thematic, philosophical, experiential. These naturally lead us to fascinating conclusions which allow us to take apart discursive structures in order for us to open up to the possibility of imagining alternative ones. Almost imperceptively: I guide you so that, with the support of the group, it is you who deconstructs the texts and reaches those conclusions. These are intense and profound conversations with a lot of food for thought to take away with you for the rest of the week. It is not a scholarly nor an authoritative approach: here the experts are the readers.

Regular Group Sessions

Third Monday of every month 6.30 to 8.00pm BST via Zoom.
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Mondays twice a month 10.30am-12.00pm BST.
UK residents only.

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Tuesdays twice a month 7.30-9.00pm BST.
UK residents only.

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Thursdays once a month 7.30-9.00pm BST.
Private group.

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Every Tuesday 6.00-7.00pm BST.
Open to readers worldwide.

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Bibliotherapy embraces the powerful healing nature of a person’s unique encounter with words in a text, experienced in whichever form (reading a book, listening to a story, taking in the beautiful words in a few verses of poetry). The Bibliotherapist then holds space and guides a conversation that springs from that encounter in order to support the teasing apart of its threads and supports the gradual reauthoring of a that person’s preferred narrative. It involves both the curating of that experience of the text as well as compassionate, non-judgemental attentive listening and expert guidance and support of that precious and unique alternative story.

Regular Groups Sessions in Spanish

First Monday of every month 6.30-8.00pm BST.
Open to readers worldwide.

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Every Thursday 6.00-7.00pm (BST).
Open to readers worldwide.

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Wednesdays twice a month 6.30-8.00pm BST.

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Every Thursday 10.00-11.30am BST.
Open to readers worldwide.

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Every Friday 5.00-6.30pm BST on Zoom.
Open to readers worldwide.

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"Our beautiful duty is to imagine that there exists a labyrinth and a thread". Jorge Luis Borges

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