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Bibliotherapy Hour for Teachers

Find Calm to Inspire:

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I will meet you there’


A bibliotherapy space lovingly designed with teachers in mind.
Teachers, lecturers, facilitators, tutors and instructors working in any field and with any age group, and from anywhere in the world are welcome to be part of this space. Places are limited to ensure that everyone can be listened to.

Each session will consist of a conversation around a short literary text (usually a story or a poem) which will open itself up to allow us to address a variety of themes such as adapting to change, fatigue, dealing with expectations etc.

I hold a supportive and safe space in which I offer non-judgemental listening. I hope you feel comfortable enough to find the calm that will enable you to continue the brilliant job you are undoubtedly doing inspiring and supporting others. Taking part is an act of self-love and compassion in these most challenging times. So that in the midst of chaos and uncertainty we may create new ways of being, new ways of doing, in the field far beyond ideas of wrongdoing and of rightdoing.

Every Tuesday in February and March 5.00-6.00pm GMT

£40 / €45 / U$D55 per month.

Gift Card

For a last minute festive present, gift yourself or a loved one the chance to experience a reading group session or a one-to-one

Taller Borges y vos

‘…todas las cosas le suceden a uno precisamente, precisamente ahora. Siglos de siglos y solo en el presente ocurren los hechos; innumerables hombres