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Novella Reading Club

Third Monday of every month 6.30 to 8.00pm BST via Zoom

Open to readers worldwide

A novella is a piece of prose fiction that is longer than a short story and shorter than a novel (as a general rule of thumb, around 200 pages or less). It is a wonderful form of short fiction that combines the conciseness of the short story, where meaning is potently condensed and there is a focus on linguistic texture, with the structure of a novel, which allows for that bit more character or plot development without losing focus.

Novellas offer not only enjoyment and focus but also a perfectly manageable length especially if you have a limited amount of time to read or prefer to give all your attention to one piece which you can read and reread before a session.

The Novella Reading Club meets once a month, giving you time to do just that. Join us on the third Monday of every month for in-depth conversations around a carefully curated selection of classic and contemporary short novels, occasionally including some unusual pieces such as texts in translation or experiments in form and style.

The selected titles are normally widely available. In the case of a rare or out of print text, I will endeavour to provide a copy in pdf. format by email.

Fee is £15 per meeting.

To book your place, please register via https://marianacasale.com/reading-groups/ and use the PayPal button at the bottom of the page to pay your fee.

21 June: Lanny by Max Porter

19 July: The Man Who Saw Everything by Deborah Levy

16 August:

20 September:

18 October:

15 November:

20 December

Gift Card

For a last minute festive present, gift yourself or a loved one the chance to experience a reading group session or a one-to-one

Taller Borges y vos

‘…todas las cosas le suceden a uno precisamente, precisamente ahora. Siglos de siglos y solo en el presente ocurren los hechos; innumerables hombres